All the schemes in the western Wollega were collected and analyzed from the motorized water distribution by diesel generator in the village of Nedjoo district, as well as in some rural areas where the solar pumping system already existed. Solar energy options were analyzed using the RET Screen software program. Diesel generators have been evaluated against solar water pumping systems. The economic analysis is based on applying the LCC technique and all necessary procedures. The comparison between the two systems is extended to cover environmental impacts. Environmental impacts were identified and discussed because worldwide there is considerable concern about environmental issues, including greenhouse gas emissions. LCC of Diesel Generator Energy is very expensive, but PV solar energy is very expensive based on four sample locations. Solara Energy is economically better for environmental testing because the present value (PW) of DS is very high and the PW of PV water pumping systems is low, so PV water pumping systems were an option to be considered. depends on the sample location The annual return on investment from DS is higher, while the annual return on AW water pumping system is lower if it is chosen over PV. The cost of water for Diesel Energy units is very high because the maintenance and fuel consumption of the schemes is very high; if the UWC of the schemes is low, it cannot run the service. Existing schemes powered by PV solar water pumping systems cost less to sell 1 m3 of water, so PV systems benefit the community. Because the LCCs of projects are so high, schemes powered by diesel generators do not recoup the charges during the lifetime. Using DG Energy was the highest fuel consumption, but the costs from water sold are the same as PV Energy, with lower operating costs and expected costs, and therefore project gate profits from PV Energy. (average effect of PV solar gate), Output (Only PV system can help you save money.) Outcome of environmental impact assessment of PV and DG water pump systems: PV water pump system reduces GHG emissions but the DG water pump system pollutes the environment. Therefore, PV water pumping system is an economically feasible and attractive technology that is preferred over diesel water pumping system.
Economic Analysis, Life-Cycle Cost, Photovoltaic, Sensitivity Analysis
1. Introduction
There is a great and urgent need to supply environmentally sound technology for the provision of drinking water. Remote water pumping systems are a key component in meeting this need because most people in developing countries live in off-grid areas. Diesel engines have relatively low capital costs but higher operating costs due to their reliance on fossil fuel price fluctuations and exchange rate fluctuations.
[1] | David A. Okun (2009), The Challenge of Rural Water Supply: A Practical Guide to the Planning and Implementation of Rural Water Projects -Benefit Analysis of Solar PV Pumping Systems for Rural Water Supply. |
This is because the short lifespan of diesel engines is highly dependent on the level of maintenance, operating conditions, and quality of the engine and installation. Historically, pumping from the source off-grid areas of Ethiopia was predominantly achieved with diesel pumps
[2] | Solar PV Power for Small Rural Communities by Julian Hunt (2016). |
. Replacing diesel pump to PV Pumps based on the problems such as: High running costs, Maintenance costs, operation cost, replacement cost and environmental pollution
[2] | Solar PV Power for Small Rural Communities by Julian Hunt (2016). |
. PV pumping systems have been found to be economically viable
[22] | John M. Reilly, Henry D. Jacoby, and Richard S. Eckaus (2013) The Economics of Climate Change: Mitigation, Adaptation, and Risk Management. |
. In addition, diesel-based water pumping systems not only require expensive fuels, but also incur high maintenance and operating costs that cause noise and air pollution. In order to reduce pollution and increase energy productivity, preference must be given to energy sources that emit fewer greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
[4] | Robert J. Sterrett (2017) Bayou, Tesfaye. (1996). Water Pumping Systems: Selection, Operation, and Maintenance for Developing Countries by Application of a photovoltaic system in water pumping. Zede Journal, 13, pp, 48-60. |
1.1. General Objective
To analyze the economic and technical feasibility of a photovoltaic water pumping system versus a diesel water pumping system and to evaluate the feasibility and reliability of the solar water pumping system and its emission reduction potential in rural Kebeles of the West Wallaga Zone of Oromia State Region, Ethiopia
1.2. Specific Objectives
1) To compare the economic benefits of a solar water pumping system versus a diesel water pumping system.
2) To analysis of the LCC of diesel water pump systems and solar PV water pump systems
3) To estimate of the potential contribution of solar water pumps to reducing GHG emissions
2. Manuscript Formatting
2.1. Methods’ of Study
Determined measurement parameters
The economical comparison between photovoltaic system and diesel system needs some parameters such as initial cost, operation cost, maintenance cost, and power generated by those systems. Lifecycle cost calculation analysis. Using parameters that has been determined before, it can be estimated the total amount of cost that should be spent during operation named the lifecycle cost. The lowest lifecycle cost between these systems will be acknowledged as the best system. Analysis using Rescreen Soft Ware simulation. The other method to compare both systems is calculation using Rescreen software. This method will show the ratio of initial capital cost to the energy (kWh) generated by both systems.
[3] | David Ardill (2018) Solar-Powered Water Pumping for Rural Communities. |
[4] | Robert J. Sterrett (2017) Bayou, Tesfaye. (1996). Water Pumping Systems: Selection, Operation, and Maintenance for Developing Countries by Application of a photovoltaic system in water pumping. Zede Journal, 13, pp, 48-60. |
[5] | Belay, Y. and E. Haramaya. (2008). reviews on development of solar water pumping applications. |
2.2. Research Design
The method to determine the feasibility of photovoltaic solar water pumping systems in rural areas based on economic analysis and carbon pollution in the case of West Wallaga Zone.
[6] | Chandel, et al. (2015). Review of solar photovoltaic water pumping system technology for irrigation and community drinking water supplies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 49, pp. 1084-1099. |
[7] | Chandel, S., Naik, M., et al. (2015) Review of Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System Technology for Irrigation: Heriot-Watt University Library Resources. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 49, 1084-1099. |
[8] | Ebaid et al. (2013). A unified approach for designing a photovoltaic solar system for the underground water pumping well-34 at Disi aquifer. |
[9] | Emco. (2006). Feasibility Assessment for the Replacement of Diesel Water Pumps with. |
[10] | EPA. (2020). S. national weighted average CO2 marginal emission rate. USA: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. |
[11] | Frank. (2014). The net benefits of low and no-carbon electricity technologies. The Brookings Institution, Working Paper. |
Methods of Sample Analysis
1) Evaluating the solar photovoltaic water pumping system (SPVWPS) and diesel water pumping system (DWPS) based on water supply schemes existing in the zone PV & DS Pumping system formula calculation.
[11] | Frank. (2014). The net benefits of low and no-carbon electricity technologies. The Brookings Institution, Working Paper. |
[12] | Froukh. (2006). Climatic change impacts on the West Bank groundwater resources (the case of eastern basin. |
[13] | Khatib. (2010). Deign of Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems at Minimum. Journal of applied sciences, 10(22), pp. 2773-2784. |
[14] | Kolhe, M., S. Kolhe and J. C. Joshi. (2002). Economic viability of stand-alone solar photovoltaic system in comparison with diesel-powered system for India. Energy economics, 24(2), pp., 155-165. |
[15] | Mahmoud et al. (2015). Renewable energy and sustainable developments in Egypt. Photovoltaic water pumping in remote areas,” Appl. Energy, vol. 74, no. 1-2, pp. 141-147, 2003. |
[16] | Misrak Girma. (2016). Viability of Solar/Wind and Hybrid Water Pumping System for Off-Grid Rural Areas in Ethiopia, PhD thesis Addis Ababa Institute of Technology (AAIT), Addis Ababa University of Ethiopia. Monitoring Program for Water Supply and Sanitation Geneva, Switzerland. |
[17] | Misrak Girma el at. (2015). Feasibility study of a solar photovoltaic water pumping system for rural Ethiopia. Aims environmental science, p. 697-717. |
2) Life cycle cost method analysis.
3) Previous study fills the gap to expands PV solar water pump system in the zone.
Table 1. Final PV and Diesel System LCC Value of each Water Scheme.
Costs (US$) factor | Site name |
Walitate Gida USD/25 | Eba Wakayo US$)/25 | Kote Genasi US$)/25 | Najo Laga Tabota US$) /25 |
PV | DS | PV | DS | PV | DG | PV | DS |
1 | IC | 131,958 | 40,259 | 128,120 | 47,384 | 109,708 | 43,504 | 167,428 | 93,481 |
2 | OC | 1,319.58 | 54,688 | 1,281.14 | 45,399 | 1,097.03 | 56,749 | 1,675 | 108,950 |
3 | MC | 158.35 | 590,947 | 153.74 | 590,947 | 131.64 | 590,947 | 200.97 | 590,947 |
4 | RC | 12,000 | 10,518.50 | 11,000 | 12,767.10 | 10,000 | 11,008.50 | 11,000 | 82,962.19 |
| LCC | 145,436 | 696,412 | 140,555 | 696,497 | 120,937 | 702,208 | 180,304 | 876,340 |
| Total | 290,872 | 1,392,825 | 281,110 | 1,392,994 | 241,874 | 1,404,417 | 360,608 | 1,752,680 |
| Average | 58,174 | 278,565 | 56,222 | 278,599 | 48,375 | 280,883 | 72,122 | 350,536 |
PV= photovoltaic, DS=diesel system, IC=Initial Cost, OC= Operations Cost, MC= Maintenance Cost, RC=Replacement Cost Note: - So pv solar water pump system was low cost analysis so it will be choosing.
Figure 2. LCC Summary for Power Alternative.
Table 2. Final Average LCC Summaries.
Costs (US$) factor | Site name |
Walitate Gida (US$) /25 | Eba Wakayo (US$)/25 | Kote genasi (US$)/25 | Najo Laga Tabota (US$) /25 |
PV | DS | PV | DS | PV | DG | PV | DS |
Average | 58,174 | 278,565 | 56,222 | 278,599 | 48,375 | 280,883 | 72,122 | 350,536 |
This figer show as average LCC of above diffirent schemes site
Figure 3. Final Average LCC Summary.
2.3. PV Water Pumping System Initial Cost
The main capital costs for the PV water pump system are shown in
Table 3. Below are all the accessories and the cost of transport and installation of the equipment. Similarly, the initial cost of the diesel system applies to the rest of the water supply system.
Table 3. Summery of Capital investment cost DS and PV water pump system.
Site name | Diesel Water Pump system (USS $) | Solar PV water Pump System (USS $) |
Wali Tate Gida | 40,259 | 131,958 |
Eba Wakayo | 47,384 | 128,120 |
Kote Genasi | 43,504 | 109,708 |
Najo Lega Tabota | 93,481 | 167,428 |
Source: Data collect from the owner of the schemes that’s are West wallaga water and energy office and World Vision Ethiopia's Najo program
This finger show that above
Table 3 part of power supply initial cost only in different exist schemes.
Figure 4. Capital investment of PV vs DS.
2.4. Results and Discussions
Figure 5. Cost flow break down chart PV and DS.
Table 4. Summery of cash outflow for solar pv pumping system.
Site Name | Summary of Diesel and Solar PV Water Pump System Cost US /Year | |
1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | | |
Walitate Gida | 40,259 | 131,958 | 25,825 | 1,880 | 421 | 480 | 9,251 | 9,251 | -16,995 | 6,950 | No pay Back | 19 |
Eba Wakayo | 43,504 | 128,120 | 25,908 | 1,515 | 440 | 440 | 8,788 | 8,788 | -17,560 | 6,833 | No pay Back | 19 |
Kote Genasi | 43,504 | 109,708 | 25,908 | 1,459 | 440 | 400 | 9,251 | 9,251 | -17,097 | 7,352 | No pay Back | 15 |
Najo Laga Tabota | 93,481 | 167,428 | 27,996 | 2,342 | 3,319 | 440 | 25,439 | 25,439 | -5,876 | 19,778 | No pay Back | 8 |
Average | 55,187 | 134,304 | 26,409 | 1,799 | 1,155 | 440 | 13,182 | 13,182 | -14,382 | 10,228 | No pay Back | 15 |
2.4.1. Discussions of the Study’s
The capital cost of the solar PV water pumping system can be considered the main obstacle to applying the system in a developing country like Ethiopia. PV water pump system in life cycle span it is economical viable. Economics Analysis of Diesel and Solar Water Pumping System Parameters: Operation Cost, Maintenance Cost, and Replacement Cost
[15] | Mahmoud et al. (2015). Renewable energy and sustainable developments in Egypt. Photovoltaic water pumping in remote areas,” Appl. Energy, vol. 74, no. 1-2, pp. 141-147, 2003. |
. To calculate all costs in today's US$, the future costs were discounted to present value using a discount rate. Therefore, LCC is the sum of the capital cost and the present value of the recurring and replacement costs
[20] | Dieter, G. E. (2013). Engineering design (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. |
[22] | John M. Reilly, Henry D. Jacoby, and Richard S. Eckaus (2013) The Economics of Climate Change: Mitigation, Adaptation, and Risk Management. |
[20, 22]
. The Life Cycle Cost (LCC) has been calculated over a 25 year period considering initial cost, operating cost, maintenance cost and replacement One of the most comprehensive recent studies comparing solar and diesel pumps is the
[18] | Em Con Advisory Group (2018) Feasibility Assessment for the Replacement of Diesel Water Pumps with Solar Water Pumps Publisher: Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia Link: https://mme.gov.na/documents/7214/download |
[19] | lanchard, B. S., & Fabrycky, W. J. (2018). Systems engineering and analysis (6th ed.). Pearson. |
[20] | Dieter, G. E. (2013). Engineering design (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. |
[21] | Dym, C. L., & Little, P. (2013). Engineering design: A project-based introduction (4th ed.). |
Feasibility Assessment for the Replacement of Diesel Water Pumps with Solar Water Pumps, issued by the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia and prepared by Em Con Advisory Group. According to this study, solar energy has been used for pumping in Namibia for over 25 years, and 669 solar powered wells were installed from 2001 to 2006, creating a large field of study. This report provides overwhelming evidence for small to medium-sized sources. But according to of our research study has not limited the power of solar water pumps. In order to reduce pollution and increase energy productivity, preference must be given to energy sources that emit fewer greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
[26] | B.S. Dhillon (2018) Life Cycle Costing for Engineers by Journal of Modern Physics Vol. 9 No. 1, January 15, 2018. Downloads 2,482 Views Citations This article belongs to the Special. https://doi.org/10.4236/jmp.2018.910031,047 |
. Ultimately, this study can help fill the gap by evaluating the viability and reliability, Economic analyses of the solar water pumping system and its emission reduction potential in rural Kebeles of West Wallaga Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia.
A Techno economic analysis has been done in the case study of the West Wollega rural village. Various parameters are considered for the comparison of the two water pumping system for Water Supply schemes that is the diesel and PV system. As shows blow the table the parameters considered for comparison of the two for the life cycle cost evaluation. The cost of PV system initially is although higher than the diesel one but the life cycle cost of the PV system is lower. The fuel and replacement cost for solar pump is not there which is a positive part of it and thus reduces the LCC In the calculations to be performed, water pumping systems with solar cells (PV) is feasible if the lifecycle cost is lower than the other power supply system, which is diesel. Although wind turbines and electricity on the grid could also be an alternative power supplier but these are beyond the limits of research conducted.
Lifecycle cost consists of capital costs, maintenance costs, operational costs, fuel costs and equipment salvage value.
2.4.2. Result of the Study
The results produced in the economic analysis show that the PV system in all three cases is highly economically feasible
1) Internal Rate of Return,
2) pay back Benefit cost Ratio
3) Total Annual Saving
4) Net present value
5) GHG Reduction
Cash flow from water production sell for DS water pump system the same production with PV water pump system, pv water pump system +ve cash flow and DS water pump system -ve cash flow.
1) PV water pump system are Economical Viable.
2) Net present value (NPV)
Cash flow of the schemes capital cost and net saving cost, Capital cost -ve and net saving cost +ve value, if sum of both are greater than 1 the projects are economic viability.
1) So PV water pump system NPV are greater than 1 from RET Screen software of the result
2) IRR (intern rate return)
3) In the PV water pump system IRR greater than discount rate of the schemes, the result gain from
RET Screen soft ware
1) So the schemes are economic viability
2) Benefit cost Ratio; this expression of the relative profitable of the schemes if the BC are greater than 1 the schemes are economic viability
3) Total Annual Saving and Income The total annual saving and income represents the annual saving and/or income realized due to the implementation of the proposed case system
4) GHG Reduction PV water pump system Reducing GHG Emission cost (RC)
represents the nominal cost to be incurred for each tone of GHG avoided.
[23] | IPCC Working Group III (2005) Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage by |
[24] | Thomas E. Copeland, Timothy Koller, and Jack Murrin (2015) Economic Analysis of Investment Projects. |
[23, 24]
5) Calculate LCC by manual
6) Initial Cost (IC)
7) Operation cost (OM)
8) Maintenances Cost (MC)
9) Replacing cost (RC)
PV solar water pump system Renewable energy source. So LCC of PV is cheaper than LCC of DS W P S (aver- cost equals the sum of the present values of all cost age of sample scheme s are 297,145< 58,723.25 LCC of payments, DS & PV Water pump system.
3. Sampling Frequency
3.1. Analysis Present Worth Approach
In the West Wallaga zone, there are 121 potable rural water The present value is the value on a given date of a schemes exist. In rural Village schemes, sampling sites from future cost (or series of costs), given an interest the source, four sampling sites from the Nejo district's where rate or a discount rate to reflect the changing value the current solar water pump system existed. From this sum-of money over time. A cost to be paid with annual, scheme data was collected from the solar panel, total water amortizations can be considered as a sum of costs, term head, and water discharge. For Diesel generators, data one for each year, where the present value of the was collected from the west Wallaga zone water and energy office: fuel consumption, generator capacity at the same capacity as existing PV in the zone, initial cost, maintenance cost, operation cost, and replacement of the spare part.
The collecting data from the office by following appropriate procedures.
[25] | Investments by Bodie, Kane, and Marcus (2018 P. Frankl. (1998). Toccatella, `Implied life-cycle analysis of PV systems in buildings present situation and future trends', Prog Photovolt. Res. Appl. 6, 137±146. |
3.2. Sampling Procedures and Techniques
The method of data collection from each sampling location was according to LCC benefit analysis, depending on guidelines for environmental pollution
[26] | B.S. Dhillon (2018) Life Cycle Costing for Engineers by Journal of Modern Physics Vol. 9 No. 1, January 15, 2018. Downloads 2,482 Views Citations This article belongs to the Special. https://doi.org/10.4236/jmp.2018.910031,047 |
. Data was taken from locations that are representative of the water distribution system (the sources and household). Systematic observation of the site taken the measurement and random household interview method.
3.3. Methods of Data Analysis
First, the information recorded on the mobile phone and the notes from the informal discussion and field observation were transcribed and translated from the local language (Afan Oromo) into English. Secondly, by reading through all the qualitative and quantitative data, they were reviewed and organized to develop a general understanding of the data set, and short memos were created that best help in organizing and categorizing the data into concepts.
3.4. Methods of Life Cycle Cost Analysis for PV and DS Water Pump System
Calculating using the formula Life Cycle Cost analysis (LCCA) method was used for quantitative data collected for economic analysis to find the most viable alternative, i.e. to determine which pumping option alternative provides the maximum benefit at the lowest cost.
[28] | V. Vinoth Kumar and K. Sudhakar (2020) Techno-Economic Analysis of Off-Grid Solar PV Water Pumping Systems. |
[29] | Vijay P. Singh and Pradeep K. Swamee (2014) Economic Analysis of Solar-Powered Water Pumping Systems for Irrigation. |
[30] | Thomas E. Copeland, Timothy Koller, and Jack Murrin (2015) Economic Analysis of Investment Projects Publisher, Wiley, 2000; ISBN, 0471361909, 9780471361909; Length, 490 pages. |
Initial investment: The capital expenditure required for purchasing and installing the system, including the cost of the equipment, installation, and any necessary infrastructure modifications.
Operating costs: The ongoing expenses incurred during the operation of the system, including fuel costs (in the case of diesel pumps), electricity costs (for PV systems), maintenance and repair costs, and any other operational expenses. Maintenance expenses: The costs associated with regular maintenance activities, such as routine inspections, servicing, parts replacement, and repairs. These costs can vary depending on the complexity and reliability of the system.
Disposal or replacement costs: The potential costs related to disposing of or replacing the system at the end of its useful life. This can include decommissioning costs, equipment removal, and any expenses associated with transitioning to a new system.
By analyzing the life cycle costs of diesel water pump systems and solar PV water pump systems, decision-makers can make informed choices based on the long-term financial Analysis.
3.5. Life Cycle Cost Analysis Methodology for Solar PV Water Pumps
By using the computer program Rescreen software, it compares solar and diesel water pumps, covering a range of heads (10m to 250m) and a range of daily flow rates (3,000 to 158,400 liters). The Life Cycle Cost (LCC) has been calculated over a 25 year period considering initial cost, operating cost, maintenance cost and replacement
[26] | B.S. Dhillon (2018) Life Cycle Costing for Engineers by Journal of Modern Physics Vol. 9 No. 1, January 15, 2018. Downloads 2,482 Views Citations This article belongs to the Special. https://doi.org/10.4236/jmp.2018.910031,047 |
. LCC is the sum of the capital cost and the present value of the recurring and replacement costs around different systems. To compare value of the benefit to the present value of the costs is enthuse of equal performance of the life cycle cost approach is mined. If the benefit-to-cost ratio is greater than one, the used, which allows systems to be compared on an equal project can be considered desirable from an economic point sis by reducing any future costs incurred at different time.
3.6. Payback Period
LCC or Project Future costs, including running costs The payback period, also known as the project investment cost (diesel consumption, transport), maintenance costs (engine payback period, is defined as the time it takes for the fuel cost savings to equal the total initial investment of a project.
[31] | Leland T. Blank and Anthony Tarquin (2019) Engineering Economy Publication date. July 17, 2019; Reading age. 13 years and up. |
The oil, filters, brushes, valves, rotor, impellers, labour, transport payback period of an investment considering the time value of etc.) and spare parts (diesel engine, pump, motor, inverter, money is given by the expression. labor and transport).
Figure 6. Net Present Value.
The NPV method calculates the present value of all annual environmental pollution analysis cash flows (i.e. cost of capital and net savings) incurred or evaluating the economic analysis of the solar photovoltaic accrued over the life of a project and totals them. Capital water pumping system using RET Screen, software and by cost is represented as a negative value and savings as a positive value. The sum of all cash values is referred to as Net Present Value (NPV). The higher cash value, the more attractive the proposed project. If the resulting NPV is greater than zero, a project is deemed economically viable.
3.7. Internal Rate of Return
Specifies the discount rate at which the present value of the net benefit stream equals the present value of the net cost stream. If the resulting IRR is greater than the discount rate chosen, the project is considered economically viable.
[31] | Leland T. Blank and Anthony Tarquin (2019) Engineering Economy Publication date. July 17, 2019; Reading age. 13 years and up. |
3.8. Benefit-Cost Ratio
Compare total discounted benefits to total discounted costs as a ratio and gives an indication of the magnitude of the return on the investment. If the benefit-to-cost ratio is greater than one, the project can be considered desirable from an economic point of view.
[25] | Investments by Bodie, Kane, and Marcus (2018 P. Frankl. (1998). Toccatella, `Implied life-cycle analysis of PV systems in buildings present situation and future trends', Prog Photovolt. Res. Appl. 6, 137±146. |
[30] | Thomas E. Copeland, Timothy Koller, and Jack Murrin (2015) Economic Analysis of Investment Projects Publisher, Wiley, 2000; ISBN, 0471361909, 9780471361909; Length, 490 pages. |
[25, 30]
Then, the required power for the motor is calculated from the hydraulic power requirement and the motor efficiency as follows. Motor Power in our environment Averagely 20.44KWh/Day Motor power 20.44/0.65 = 31.44KW Fuel consumed per hour 9 Lit
1) Fuel Consumed in One Day Discharge in liters/sec (consider normal pump operating time which is 8 hours/day)
2) FC/day = 9X8= 72Littir
3) FC/Year =72lx365 =26,280Littr Fuel Consumed Per Year in West Wallaga Zone only using Diesel Fuel in Remote Village. For Rural Water Supply pump system was 26,280litx121scheme = 3,179,880lit
That Fuel Produce CO by diesel engine to pump water the 2 content of CO in one liter of diesel is equivalent to 22.67k (0.00267ton) (Global petrolprice.com) so that in our zone CO2 can be produced in one year 0.00267x3,179,880= 8490.3Ton. The existing DPS consumed 3,179,880 liter/year which is equivalent to 8,490.3 tons of CO per.
Summary of unit water cost pv and ds water pump system
The cost of PV system initially is although higher than the diesel one but the life cycle cost of the PV system is lower.
Table 5. Economical& technical analysis of Samples from existing scheme economical and technical Test Results for schemes. Economical& technical analysis of Samples from existing scheme economical and technical Test Results for schemes. Economical& technical analysis of Samples from existing scheme economical and technical Test Results for schemes.
S/N | Site | B-C | ALCS [$/year} | AS & Incaming [$/year} | RC [$/tco2] | PBP [year] | IRR [%] | UWC [$/m3] |
Simple | Equity | Asset | Equity | DS | PV |
1 | Wali Tate Gida | 2.10 | 9,605 | 2,845 | 184 | 10.00 | 7.2 | 5.2 | 16.5 | 37.5 | 1.00 |
2 | Kote Genasi | 1.90 | 6,753 | 1,625 | 136 | 9.00 | 7.2 | 5.7 | 17.3 | 39.5 | 0.99 |
3 | Najo Lega Tabota | 4.30 | 16,556 | 10,305 | 525 | 7.00 | 3.4 | 11.6 | 36.4 | 37.5 | 0.82 |
4 | Eba Wakayo | 2.10 | 7344 | 2201 | 179 | 10.00 | 6.4 | 11.8 | 37.3 | 14.3 | 0.44 |
Table 6. Financial Viability Analysis of Samples from existing schemes.
Economical Analysis factor | Diesel Generator Water Pump System USD | PV Solar water pump system USD |
Life cycle cost | 742864.39 | 146808 |
Present worth | 7,254,522 | 189,033 |
Annual worth | 797,997 | 20,794 |
Unit water cost sell of water (USD/m3) | 32.2 | 0.8125 |
Pay back in (year) | No pay back | 13 |
Cost profit (average for scheme) | -14,382 | 10,943 |
Benefit cost ratio | 0 | 2.6 |
Annual Life Cycle Save | 0 | 10,064.5 |
Annual Save &Income | 0 | 4244 |
GHG emission reduction | -255 | +255 |
Cash flow from water production sell for DS water pump system the same production with PV water pump system, pV water pump system +ve cash flow and DS water pump system -ve cash flow. PV solar water pump system.
Renewable energy source. So LCC of PV is cheaper than LCC of DS W P S (average of sample scheme s are 297,145< 58,723.25 LCC of DS & PV Water pump system.
Table 7. LCC Value of PV Vs DS sample site.
Costs (US$) factor | Site name |
Walitate Gida US$) /25 | Eba Wakayo US$)/25 | Kote genasi US$)/25 | Najo Laga Tabota US$) /25 |
PV | DS | PV | DS | PV | DS | PV | DS |
IC | 131,958 | 40,259 | 128,120 | 47,384 | 109,708 | 43,504 | 167,428 | 93,481 |
OC | 1,319.58 | 54,688 | 1,281.14 | 45,399 | 1,097.03 | 56,749 | 1,675 | 108,950 |
MC | 158.35 | 590,947 | 153.74 | 590,947 | 131.64 | 590,947 | 200.97 | 590,947 |
RC | 12,000 | 10,518.50 | 11,000 | 12,767.10 | 10,000 | 11,008.50 | 11,000 | 82,962.19 |
LCC | 145,436 | 696,412 | 140,555 | 696,497 | 120,937 | 702,208 | 180,304 | 876,340 |
| Total | Average | | | | | | |
PV | 587,231 | 146,808 | | | | | | |
DS | 2,971,458 | 742,864.39 | | | | | | |
PV solar water pump system running cost from the water produced annually averagely USD cost /Year 13,182. The sum of Annual operation, Maintenance and Inverter replacing costs are average 2,239 USD. Cash profits from the scheme samples are incoming costs-out coming cost, = average 10,943.05USD cost /year. The project initial cost pay back in 25-year life span can be calculate IC/profit cost annually were averagely 15years
Lifecycle cost consists of capital costs, maintenance costs, operational costs, fuel costs and equipment salvage value
Detail it shows blow table
Scheme caption.
Site Name | Component of Diesel Water Pump System Cost US /Year |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
IC | AO&M | IRC | Incoming cost | Save cost Annual (4-(2+3)) | Investment Cost Payback (Iteam1/5) |
Walitate Gida | 40,259.00 | 25,825 | 421 | 9,250.56 | -16,995.58 | No pay back |
Eba Wakayo | 43,504.00 | 25,908 | 440 | 8,788.03 | -17,559.81 | No pay back |
Kote Genasi | 43,504.00 | 25,908 | 440 | 9,250.56 | -17,097.28 | No pay back |
Najo Laga Tabota | 93,481.00 | 27,996 | 3,319 | 25,439.04 | -5,875.34 | No pay back |
Average | 55,187.00 | 26,409.24 | 1,154.81 | 13,182.05 | -14,382.00 | No pay back |
4. Materials and Methods
The method is to determine the feasibility of photovoltaic solar water pumping systems in rural areas based on economic analysis and carbon pollution in the case of West Wallaga Zone
[18] | Em Con Advisory Group (2018) Feasibility Assessment for the Replacement of Diesel Water Pumps with Solar Water Pumps Publisher: Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia Link: https://mme.gov.na/documents/7214/download |
. Depending on the existing solar water pump system schemes in the Nejo district. Data for Walitate Gida, Kote Genasi, Nejo laga Tabota, and Eba Wakayo were obtained from Ethiopia's World Vision nedjo AP, From the existing
Table 8.
Cash flow break down schemes initial cost of solar water pump, from the observation on the site interview reliability of solar water pump system, collect data Capacity of solar water pump, Total Head of the water, Discharge of the water, number of the panel. Diesel generator water pump system of data collect from west Wallaga water and energy office: initial cost, maintenance cost, operation cost, replacing period of the generator, then compared with each other economic benefit and environmental pollution analysis. First, the information recorded on the mobile phone and the notes from the informal discussion and field observation were transcribed and translated from the local language (Afan Oromo) into English. Secondly, by reading through all the qualitative and quantitative data, they were reviewed and organized to develop a general understanding of the data set, and short memos were created that best help in organizing and categorizing the data into concepts. Then, through the narrative description, the results of the entire quantitative and qualitative data were organized, analyzed and interpreted in such a way that the answers for the semi-structured questionnaire were processed and coded first. Then a computer program was used to analyze tabulated data using the RET Screen software program.
5. Results
A Techno economic analysis has been done in the case study of the Weat wollega zone village. Various parameters are considered for the comparison of the two water pumping system for Water Supply schemes that is the diesel and PV system. The cost of PV system initially is although higher than the diesel one but the life cycle cost of the PV system is lower. The fuel and replacement cost for solar pump is not there which is a positive part of it and thus reduces the LCC In the calculations to be performed, water pumping systems with solar cells (PV) is feasible if the lifecycle cost is lower than the other power supply system, which is diesel. Although wind turbines and electricity on the grid could also be an alternative power supplier but these are beyond the limits of research conducted. Lifecycle cost consists of capital costs, maintenance costs, operational costs, fuel costs and equipment salvage value The economic and technical feasibility of a photovoltaic water pumping system versus a diesel pumping system, to evaluate the energy to economic benefit and its GHG emission reduction potential in rural
Village of West Wallaga Zone of Oromia regional State, Took from 4 (four) existing rural water supply schemes sample (Walitate Gida, Kote Genasi, Laga Tabota and Eba wakayo schemes) In
Table 8 show Diesel engines are specifically mentioned for solar water compressor with in the table listed parameter
6. Discussion
The following recommendations are drawn based on the findings of the current research:
The research has examined the economic and technical viability of photovoltaic solar water pumping systems and their emission reduction potential in rural areas. Assessment of PV generators to replace diesel generators in West Wallaga Zone indicates that the area has a huge potential for solar energy for water pumping. There are, however, some challenges, like the low purchasing power of the community and the lower energy conversion of PV cells, towards the development and adaptation of PV water pumping technologies. However, because of the high initial cost of the system and the fact that people in such rural locations are usually low income earners, they should not be expected to pay for their off-grid electricity supply systems. It is thus recommended that the provision of capital subsidies is imperative, and hence enough grant funds must be mobilized by the government, NGOs, and development partners to create the PV infrastructure while the beneficiary communities must also be willing to pay realistic water tariffs to enable operational cost recovery in order to prolong the reliability of the system. The government, nongovernmental organizations, and the public should make concerted efforts to overcome these challenges by using more flexible approaches to improve the current state of the PV water pumping system in Ethiopia. It is also recommended that solar pumping systems be implemented in all off-grid areas if possible. It would be better for the spare parts supply, as solar pumping equipment cannot be purchased everywhere in the country yet. Maintenance and repair of the pumps would then also have lower costs as there would be less need to travel between the schemes. to recommend that the National Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia (NMAE) make available the solar data in the form required for researchers in the country and install direct solar energy measuring instruments at least in some areas of the country that are supposed to have higher potential for solar energy. Finally, I recommend that, to know the exact solar resource potential of Ethiopia to replace the conventional diesel energy and to solve the problems of utilizing PV for water pumping in the country, more studies be conducted in the future.
7. Conclusions
1) The study focuses on the analysis of the alternative energy of rural water supply pumping system based on the economy and environmental pollution, diesel engines will be replaced by solar power in rural areas of the West Wallaga Zone of Oromia. The reliability of solar water pumping systems for domestic water supply in rural Based on the results obtained from this study, the following conclusions are drawn:
2) The major disadvantage of the DG over the PV system is the higher O&M cost and environmental impact.
3) The initial cost of the PV system is considered the only disadvantage over the diesel system; however, particularly in remote areas, the higher initial cost of the PV system could still be justified by the savings in the lower O&M cost as well as the increased reliability throughout the useful life of the PV system.
4) The life cycle cost method was used for the economic evaluation of the solar water pumping system compared with the diesel pumping system and shows that there are very distinct differences between the two power sources in terms of cost.
5) The average initial cost of four sample sites (134,312.75 US$) of a solar water pumping system was found to be higher than that of a diesel water pumping system (56,157 US$), but its recurrent cost proved to decline over time. The operation, replacement, repair, and maintenance costs are higher for the diesel pumping system in contrast to the solar pumping system, and it was considered that the result from sensitivity analysis shows that the key parameters such as discount rates and fuel price inflation rate have a significant impact on the LCC of the diesel pumping system than the solar pumping system. This is as a result of the fact that most of the costs of a diesel pumping system are future costs.
Therefore, PV water pumping systems were found to be an economically viable and attractive technology that was chosen over diesel water pumping systems in all sampled Village of the West Wallaga Zone. Further, the potential contribution of solar water pumps towards emission reduction was determined.
As a result, 3,179,880 liters of diesel fuel were saved in the West Wallaga Zone, for a total of 8,490. Throughout the system's life cycle operation, 3 tons of CO2 emissions were avoided. CO2 emissions can be greatly reduced through the use of a solar water pumping system, which is already cost-effective with fossil fuels in many situations. Thus, PV water pumping systems are an Abbreviations.
PV | Photovoltaic |
DG | Diesel Generator |
DS | Diesel System |
AP | Area Program |
CSP | Concentrated Solar Power |
GHG | Greenhouse Gas |
GW | Giga Watt |
kW | Kilo Watt |
W | Watt |
KWh | Kilo Watt Hour |
NOx | Nitrous Oxide |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
Si | Silicon |
DC | Direct Current |
AC | Alternate Current |
V | Volt |
Author Contributions
Tujuba Soressa Kiltu is the sole author. The author read and approved the final manuscript.
Thesis is dedicated to my wife Roza Tariku and my sons Sengni and Sura Tujuba for their dedicated support which has given me great encouragement me to successfully and timely complete my thesis.
I would like to acknowledge Oromia Water, and Energy Bureau, World Vision Ethiopia Nedjo AP for their kind assistance and unlimited cooperation in providing all the necessary material and intellectual resources during the fieldwork. I would like to thank Mr. Kibiru Geri, Mr. Getacho Rabu, and Tesfaye Soressa for their special assistance during the fieldwork and Software works. I would also like to thank Nedjo Town Water Supply Service and all its staff members, especially Mr. Boshara, Head of the Office, and Nadjo water and energy office Mr. Merga Hundessa staff office for their kind support during the fieldwork and for providing the necessary information regarding the water supply system of nedjo rural water supply scheme. I am also indebted to my friend Abdisa Sendaba for his continuous support and encouragement to complete the thesis work. My special thank goes to my wife Roza Tariku and my sons Sagni and Sura Tujuba for their continuous backup to timely and complete this thesis work. I am also grateful to all my family members, my friends and others, who have directly or indirectly contributed towards the completion of this study through moral support.
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
Walitate Gida SPV water photo
Figure 7. Existing Solar Water Pump for Nedjo water supply.
Figure 9. Existing Diesel water pump System.
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APA Style
Kiltu, T. S. (2025). Study of Alternative Energy Based on the Economy and Environmental Pollution, Diesel Engines Will Be Replaced by Solar Water Pump System Power. American Journal of Applied Scientific Research, 11(1), 95-108. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajasr.20251101.18
ACS Style
Kiltu, T. S. Study of Alternative Energy Based on the Economy and Environmental Pollution, Diesel Engines Will Be Replaced by Solar Water Pump System Power. Am. J. Appl. Sci. Res. 2025, 11(1), 95-108. doi: 10.11648/j.ajasr.20251101.18
AMA Style
Kiltu TS. Study of Alternative Energy Based on the Economy and Environmental Pollution, Diesel Engines Will Be Replaced by Solar Water Pump System Power. Am J Appl Sci Res. 2025;11(1):95-108. doi: 10.11648/j.ajasr.20251101.18
author = {Tujuba Soressa Kiltu},
title = {Study of Alternative Energy Based on the Economy and Environmental Pollution, Diesel Engines Will Be Replaced by Solar Water Pump System Power
journal = {American Journal of Applied Scientific Research},
volume = {11},
number = {1},
pages = {95-108},
doi = {10.11648/j.ajasr.20251101.18},
url = {https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajasr.20251101.18},
eprint = {https://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ajasr.20251101.18},
abstract = {All the schemes in the western Wollega were collected and analyzed from the motorized water distribution by diesel generator in the village of Nedjoo district, as well as in some rural areas where the solar pumping system already existed. Solar energy options were analyzed using the RET Screen software program. Diesel generators have been evaluated against solar water pumping systems. The economic analysis is based on applying the LCC technique and all necessary procedures. The comparison between the two systems is extended to cover environmental impacts. Environmental impacts were identified and discussed because worldwide there is considerable concern about environmental issues, including greenhouse gas emissions. LCC of Diesel Generator Energy is very expensive, but PV solar energy is very expensive based on four sample locations. Solara Energy is economically better for environmental testing because the present value (PW) of DS is very high and the PW of PV water pumping systems is low, so PV water pumping systems were an option to be considered. depends on the sample location The annual return on investment from DS is higher, while the annual return on AW water pumping system is lower if it is chosen over PV. The cost of water for Diesel Energy units is very high because the maintenance and fuel consumption of the schemes is very high; if the UWC of the schemes is low, it cannot run the service. Existing schemes powered by PV solar water pumping systems cost less to sell 1 m3 of water, so PV systems benefit the community. Because the LCCs of projects are so high, schemes powered by diesel generators do not recoup the charges during the lifetime. Using DG Energy was the highest fuel consumption, but the costs from water sold are the same as PV Energy, with lower operating costs and expected costs, and therefore project gate profits from PV Energy. (average effect of PV solar gate), Output (Only PV system can help you save money.) Outcome of environmental impact assessment of PV and DG water pump systems: PV water pump system reduces GHG emissions but the DG water pump system pollutes the environment. Therefore, PV water pumping system is an economically feasible and attractive technology that is preferred over diesel water pumping system.
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T1 - Study of Alternative Energy Based on the Economy and Environmental Pollution, Diesel Engines Will Be Replaced by Solar Water Pump System Power
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UR - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajasr.20251101.18
AB - All the schemes in the western Wollega were collected and analyzed from the motorized water distribution by diesel generator in the village of Nedjoo district, as well as in some rural areas where the solar pumping system already existed. Solar energy options were analyzed using the RET Screen software program. Diesel generators have been evaluated against solar water pumping systems. The economic analysis is based on applying the LCC technique and all necessary procedures. The comparison between the two systems is extended to cover environmental impacts. Environmental impacts were identified and discussed because worldwide there is considerable concern about environmental issues, including greenhouse gas emissions. LCC of Diesel Generator Energy is very expensive, but PV solar energy is very expensive based on four sample locations. Solara Energy is economically better for environmental testing because the present value (PW) of DS is very high and the PW of PV water pumping systems is low, so PV water pumping systems were an option to be considered. depends on the sample location The annual return on investment from DS is higher, while the annual return on AW water pumping system is lower if it is chosen over PV. The cost of water for Diesel Energy units is very high because the maintenance and fuel consumption of the schemes is very high; if the UWC of the schemes is low, it cannot run the service. Existing schemes powered by PV solar water pumping systems cost less to sell 1 m3 of water, so PV systems benefit the community. Because the LCCs of projects are so high, schemes powered by diesel generators do not recoup the charges during the lifetime. Using DG Energy was the highest fuel consumption, but the costs from water sold are the same as PV Energy, with lower operating costs and expected costs, and therefore project gate profits from PV Energy. (average effect of PV solar gate), Output (Only PV system can help you save money.) Outcome of environmental impact assessment of PV and DG water pump systems: PV water pump system reduces GHG emissions but the DG water pump system pollutes the environment. Therefore, PV water pumping system is an economically feasible and attractive technology that is preferred over diesel water pumping system.
VL - 11
IS - 1
ER -